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“Backcountry Hunter Gear Guide”

“Backcountry Hunter Gear Guide”

“So you want to be a Backcountry Hunter”

Hunting in the backcountry with only what you can carry in on your back can be an incredibly fun way to gain access to pieces of property not easily accessed. However, this self reliance adventure also adds a level of complexity you don’t find when hunting via truck or from a base camp. In the below article we break down the Mule Deer Foundations recommended packing list for a backcountry hunt with gear recommendations for each item. Give it a try when pursuing your next tag.

Carried On Your Person:

Bino Chest harness – 10 years ago o one was carrying these around and you looked silly if you did but today everyone and their brother has a bingo harness, everyone is taking advantage of that chest based real estate space for additional quickly accessible gear. You can buy big set-ups or smaller less invasive models but having a system is a great addition to your kit.

We recommend -Marsupial gear

Here’s what we put in our Bino harness for a backcountry hunt:


Pocketknife – MKC –

Weather appropriate clothing – SITKA –

Boots – Zamberlan boots –

Phone with OnX –

In your Pack:

What’s you carry in you pack is vitally important to how agile vs comfortable you want to be. For us at the Mule Deer Foundation, we prefer a 35 lb pack for trips up to 4 days and no more than a 50 lb pack for trips up to 8 days. The primary difference in weight is the amount of food we carry.

Sleeping System – Big Agnes –
We really like the 0 degree bag regardless of the weather. The Anvil Horn 0 degree paired with the medium thickness sleeping pad is the best thing I carry in my pack. I have taken this everywhere from Texas to Alaska and it always gives me a great night sleep.

Tent – VIAM Outdoor Gear – Pintler 1P Tent –

Cooking Kit

MSR Cooking system – Pocket Rocket –

Butcher Kit

VIAM Outdoors –

Knife Sharpener – Work Sharp –

Game Bags – VIAM –

  • – Zip ties
  • – Electrical tape
  • – 3 Ziplock gallon sized bags

Emergency Kit:

Good Luck!

As always, Good luck this fall everyone and remember to send any success pictures or stories from the field to [email protected] and you could be featured on our website or in our magazine. If this article or any of our articles have helped you become a better hunter or conservation steward, consider becoming a member of the Mule Deer Foundation for only $35 dollars a year. Click here to join:

Trevor J Hubbs @TrevorHubbs on Instagram

Trevor is the Communications Manager for the Mule deer Foundation. He grew up hunting and fishing the eastern edge of the Ozark Mountains for quail, ducks, and bucks. Trevor is also a contributor for “Fur, Fish, and Game”, “Lethal Minds Journal”, “Strung Magazine”, “Fly Fisherman”, and “Feathers and Whiskey”.

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