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MDF Surpasses 1/2 Million Acres Conserved in 2024!

MDF Surpasses 1/2 Million Acres Conserved in 2024!

The Mule Deer Foundations conservation team of over 30 biologists, foresters, botanists, ecologists, and geologists are owed a massive “Thank You” from anyone and everyone who is hoping to draw a mule deer tag in the future. Through their collective efforts and with the support of our members, volunteers, donors, and corporate partners the Mule Deer Foundation improved or created half a million acres of habitat for mule deer and black-tailed deer in 2024!

2024 saw its share of challenges for our mule deer and black-tailed deer herds across the western range. From increased predation, to dry summers, and a long horrific fire season the deer and our staff were tested this year. From Arizona to Alaska and California to Nebraska our people found a way to succeed week after week. Whether living out of tents on work sites or buttoning their suit jackets on the hill in D.C., they made sure that the iconic deer herds of the western United States had the best chance possible at success.

For reference in 2023 the Mule Deer Foundation improved 163,000 acres of habitat. A noble feat and a hard earned result to be sure but that accomplishment is dwarfed by our 2024 numbers. By adding to our conservation staff and with strategic use of federal funding we more than doubled our impact on the landscape by creating or improving over 500,000 acres of mule deer and black-tailed deer habitat in 2024.

Some of 2024s highlight include:

Thank you MDF Conservation team and let’s get ready for an amazing 2025!

As always, good luck this winter and remember to send any success pictures or stories from the field to [email protected] and you could be featured on our website or in our magazine. If this article or any of our articles have helped you become a better hunter or conservation steward, consider becoming a member of the Mule Deer Foundation or the Blacktail Deer Foundation or both for only $35 dollars each a year. Click here to join: or

Trevor J Hubbs @TrevorHubbs on Instagram

Trevor is the Communications Manager for the Mule Deer Foundation. He grew up hunting and fishing the eastern edge of the Ozark Mountains for quail, ducks, and bucks. Trevor is also a contributor for “Fur, Fish, and Game”, “Lethal Minds Journal”, “Strung Magazine”, “Fly Fisherman”, and “Shooting Sportsman” among others.

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