After a long season, you are hopefully returning home with a mule deer or black-tailed deer in your truck bed that you want to get mounted. What mount is better has long been discussed; at the end of the day, it comes down to personnel preference. I am a big Euromount guy; when they are correctly done, they just look sharp. They also can be done at home, saving you some of those long waits at the Taxidermist and some cash. So, with that in mind, here are three ways you can DIY your buck into a sick euro mount.
For some, Blacktail deer hunting is over for the season and now it is time to serve up that bounty. There is nothing like warming yourself up with a fun and lively dinner shared with family and friends in the middle of winter. I have had the opportunity to dine with our Alaskan legend, Jim Baichtal and his wife Karen, several times over the past few years and the first thing I thought of was reaching out to these two blacktail aficionados. So, I asked Jim what was one of his favorite black-tail recipes, and oh “Deer” did we get one!!
It’s Christmas week here on the Mule Deer Foundation and Blacktail Deer Foundation comms team so we thought we would have a little fun. When you waited years to finally draw that big buck mule deer tag in a stellar unit it can be a miserable time when you’re staring at an un-notched tag on the last day of your hunt.