Public Policy with the Mule Deer Foundation

Though it would be nice to think that wildlife conservation is not a political issue, the truth is that decisions made by federal, state, and local elected officials impact mule deer and black-tailed deer.

MDF senior staff works closely with elected officials and policymakers to ensure that conservation and habitat restoration remain a priority. We have a strong relationship with the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and state wildlife agency directors, working together on a variety of issues that impact western deer. This includes the implementation of federal migration corridor/seasonal range policy and state mule deer plans, as well as Chronic Wasting Disease and other cross-boundary issues that require even greater coordination with our partners.

Latest on Policy

Hunting Season may be over but Legislative season is just starting!

The North American conservation model is the bedrock of all hunting and fishing tradtions in the United States. A critical part of this concept is that we, the people, own the land and the resources, which is managed through scientific management through the state wildlife agencies and legislation supported by scientific data from these agencies.  Now, this is very much the best-case scenario: a state legislator sitting in the State Communittee that overseas fishing and game notices that the Turkey population has been decreasing. A member then uses that scientific data from the state agency, to  propose a bill that would limit the season so they can in the long term help try to recover the population.  It’s pretty cut and dry, but unfortunately, that’s not always what happens. 

New Position Open at MDF

The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) is dedicated to ensuring the conservation of mule deer and black-tailed deer populations and their habitats across North America. Our mission is to protect and enhance wildlife habitat, promote sound conservation policy, and engage in research and education efforts to ensure healthy deer populations for generations to come. MDF works closely with local, state, and national partners to advance our conservation goals and expand our impact.

MDF Surpasses 1/2 Million Acres Conserved in 2024!

MDF surpasses 1/2 million acres conserved in 2024!

Mule Deer Foundation Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  December 4th, 2024  CONTACT: Trevor Hubbs ([email protected]) The Mule Deer Foundation Launches The Blacktail Deer Foundation. The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) has dedicated thousands of man-hours, funding, and conservation…


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