News & Announcements

Best Boots in Mule Deer Country

During hunting season at the Mule Deer Foundation, the staff becomes obsessed with gear. The office is bubbling with debates over any type of gear, from brands of water filters to wall tents. When applicable, we try to publish these debates for the reader to consider when making purchasing decisions during hunting season. 

Today, we are discussing which boot is best. This debate has multiple facets, from cost to break-in period to overall comfort and, finally, regionality. We recognize that there is probably no one boot that’s best for all scenarios, but we’ve done our best to decipher which is the closest.

MDF Employee Spotlight

In the MDF Employee Spotlight Segment the Mule Deer Foundation would like to call attention…

Bass Pro Grant Update for Great Plains

In 2024 MDF launched its Private Lands Conservation Program in the Great Plains. The Mule Deer Foundations mission focuses on sharing the conservation of these deer species through innovative land and wildlife management practices, partnerships with various stakeholders, and public education

Coloradans Vote Down Ban on Big Cat Hunting in big win for Conservation!

Coloradans stood up for science and sound wildlife management by voting against Proposition 127,” Dan Gates, chairman of the opposition group Colorado Wildlife Deserves Better, said in a statement Wednesday morning. “This result reflects the voices of those who recognize the importance of letting wildlife experts, not the ballot box, guide decisions on the conservation of Colorado’s big cats.”

MDF Awarded $250,000 from Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s for Great Plains

The Bass Pro shops, and Cabela’s outdoor fund grant was generous enough to award the Mule Deer Foundation $250,000 that we can leverage with an additional $1.4 million in funds from other partners and internal sources. By combining these funds, we are implementing more than 27 projects on working lands and ranches across the Great Plains states resulting in improvements to over 55,000 acres of wildlife habitat.

USDA Signs Memo on Conserving Mule Deer Migration routes!

The Mule Deer Foundation applauds the signing of this Secretarial Memo to ensure that the full suite of USDA programs and resources are coordinated to sustain mule deer and other big game populations that migrate

Mule Deer Foundation Press Release!

The Mule Deer Foundation steps up to help ranchers and mule deer impacted by recent wildfires in NE Wyoming 

Atlas of Ungulate Migrations

The new world Atlas of Ungulate Migrations features Wyoming’s own Red Desert to Hoback mule…

“Mule Deer Armadillo Eggs”

Armadillo eggs are a time-honored traditional appetizer of the Southwest. At the Mule Deer Foundation, we like to think of this appetizer as a great use of the excess mule deer grind left over at the end of the butchering day. For this Mule Deer Armadillo Eggs recipe we like to mix in 30% pork fat with our grind but whatever you have left over after your brats, or your summer sausage mix can work just as well. In fact, the more unique your blend of fat content and spices the better this appetizer becomes truly yours.

An Idaho and Utah Deer Entanglement

In June 2024, the Mule Deer Foundations conservation staff began a multi-partner and multi-state project to address fence entanglement concerns for mule deer migrating between Idaho and Utah.

Alaska will Beat your Ass!
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forrest Project Complete!

Readers will remember our announcement to close part of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest. This weekly…

Plum Glaze
“Plum Glaze BBQ Sauce”

Plum Glaze for your next BBQ