“Venison Skirt Steak Sandwich”
Serves 4 people
This Venison Skirt Steak Sandwich is a great option for the pile of roast cuts you have left over by the time February comes around. You’ve cooked your primary, secondary and lesser steak cuts, you’ve made Italian beef sandwiches and pulled mule deer, and so many pot roasts, the wife and kids are sick of it. Now you have to come up with something new or face the embarrassment of ordering a pizza. This is the recipe to try. This Venison Skirt Steak Sandwich is super simple, yet refined and easy on the tastebuds. It’s something to remind you that summer days grilling on the porch are closer than you think.
One lesser Steak or Roast cut. (really anything from the hind legs will do)
Steak seasoning of your choice
Olive Oil
One Yellow Onion
Buns of your choosing (I used a simple Potato Bun)
Steak sauce
Cooking Instructions:
Trim all silver skin and cartilage from meat
Coat meat in Olive oil
Apply liberal amount of favorite steak seasoning, like a ton of seasoning.
*We recommend big game blend form Harvesting Nature https://harvestingnature.com/product/big-game-blend-spices/
Heat Cast Iron Skillet to medium high
Add full cut of meat to skillet
Cook meat to medium rare with a dark brown crust on the outside
Set meat aside to rest
Cut Onion into Slices
Put sliced onion into cast Iron Skillet – cook until tender
Toast Buns
Slice meat against the grain into 1/4 thick slices
Build the sandwich
Bottom Bun
A few slices of meat
Apply Top Bun
Cocktail Pairing:
It’s a steak sandwich, we don’t need to church this up. Crack open a Budweiser bottle and enjoy!
Get Cooking!
As always, Good luck this fall everyone and remember to send any success pictures or stories from the field to [email protected] and you could be featured on our website or in our magazine. If this article or any of our articles have helped you become a better hunter or conservation steward, consider becoming a member of the mule deer foundation for only $35 dollars a year. Click here to join: https://muledeer.org/product-category/membership/
Trevor J Hubbs @TrevorHubbs on Instagram
Trevor is the Communications Manager for the Mule deer Foundation. He grew up hunting and fishing the eastern edge of the Ozark Mountains for quail, ducks, and bucks. Trevor is also a contributor for “Fur, Fish, and Game”, “Lethal Minds Journal”, “Strung Magazine”, “Fly Fisherman”, and “Shooting Sportsman” among others.