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New Mexico Lt. Governor’s Deer Enhancement License

New Mexico Lt. Governor’s Deer Enhancement License

For the 19th consecutive year, the Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) is selling tickets and conducting a raffle for the New Mexico Lt. Governor’s Deer Enhancement License.

Raffle ticket prices are outlined in the file below, with single tickets at $20.00 each. The drawing will take place on Friday June 10, 2022 at 9:00 am at the New Mexico Game & Fish Office. The deadline for receiving payment & ticket orders via USPS mail or e-mail is Thursday June 2, 2022.

Phone orders with credit card may be made until June 9,2022 by 6:00pm

by calling John T. Gebhart at 505.977.6604 or you may send emails to: [email protected]

Proceeds from the Lt. Governor’s Deer Enhancement License raffle will be used for deer management and conservation in New Mexico. The license will be authorized for use from September 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023 with any legal sporting arm. The license will be valid statewide only on public land where hunting is allowed, including Department owned WMAs and private land with prior written permission.

The bag limit for this hunt is one buck deer.

The Mule Deer Foundation’s habitat work has increased dramatically over the past five years with millions of dollars hitting the ground for habitat projects. By focusing on projects in areas that are important migration corridors or seasonal ranges, prioritizing pre- and post-fire restoration, and improving water availability, we are making a difference for mule deer, black-tailed deer, and hundreds of other species that share the western landscapes we love so much. We are grateful for the support of a variety of granting organizations, private donations, and of course the hard work of our volunteers to make these projects possible. We hope you’re a member of an organization that is making a difference on the ground!

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