Mule Deer Foundation puts money back on the ground near Van Horn

  The Mule Deer Foundation in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife, Borderlands Research Institute…

Adam Weatherby Joins Mule Deer Foundation Board of Directors

NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: February 26, 2018 Contact: Jared Wire, [email protected], (801) 973-3940 Salt…

Mule Deer Foundation Cheers Sagebrush Restoration, Sportsmen’s Access Provisions in DOI Order

The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) applauded today’s Department of the Interior Secretarial Order focused on…

Haystack Dirt Tank Redevelopment Project

I wanted to share the recent results of the Haystack dirt tank redevelopment project. This…

California Monitoring Deer Mortalities

Over the last two years, CDFW’s Wildlife Investigations Lab (WIL) has received more than 50…

Wyoming G&F Confirms CWD in New Deer Hunt Area

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance program has found the…

New Mexico State Spotlight

State Spotlight: New Mexico When you think of game species in the western states, the…

Alaska State Spotlight

WASHINGTON, IDAHO AND ALASKA REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT For a late summer evening in north central Washington,…

Mule Deer Foundation Pledges $50,000 to Help Wyoming Mule Deer

The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) recently pledged $50,000 to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s…