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S1 E11 – MDF Founder – Emmett Burroughs

S1 E11 – MDF Founder – Emmett Burroughs

Episode 11 – Founder of MDF – Emmett Burroughs

On this episode of Talking Mule Deer we talk with Emmett Burroughs who founded the Mule Deer Foundation in 1988. At the time, Burroughs was producing wildlife videos; through interviews with state agencies he learned more about mule deer and black-tailed deer, and some of the challenges deer are facing. Through those early conversations, he realized that deer were declining throughout the West and resolved to start a group to help make a difference. The early days of the organization required a lot of hard work to build the awareness of hunters to start a board and help generate the funds necessary for conservation work. Emmett talks about the tenacity of MDF staff and supporters to grow the organization, start the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo, and work on the important conservation issues affecting deer in the West. 

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