Qaim Naqvi – Color Country Converging Restoration Landscape Coordinator

Qaim Naqvi – Color Country Converging Restoration Landscape Coordinator

Qaim was born and raised outside of Chicago, and spent much of his childhood fishing, exploring the woods, and volunteering for the local park district. Since graduating from the University of Illinois, he has worked on conservation projects across several ecosystems in the West, including the sagebrush rangelands and alpine forests in Central/Southern Idaho, and the coastal rangelands of Northern California. Qaim has experience working on conservation land, farms, ranches, vineyards, and urban renewal projects both private and public. He is partial to the backcountry and secluded wilderness areas of America’s public lands where he can explore and observe wildlife and unique landscapes. Qaim is passionate about food sovereignty, traditional ecological knowledge, backpacking, rock climbing, painting, and his cats.



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