North Dakota Statewide Mule Deer Tag Raffle
The Mule Deer Foundation is the only conservation group in…
The 2022 North Dakota statewide mule deer tag drawing will take place on May 2nd in Mandan at Dialectic Brewery with the drawing taking place at 6pm. 100% of the proceeds from this raffle are directed toward the North Dakota P.L.O.T.S. program. In 2021, the Mule Deer Foundation helped the North Dakota Game & Fish with financial support on 46,902 acres of P.L.O.T.S. private land access.
Here is your chance to help us maintain and increase the number of acres supporting the North Dakota P.L.O.T.S .program. First Prize is the 2022 ND statewide mule deer tag, and nine other prizes from Savage Arms, Bergara Riles, Howa, Weatherby and more!
You can purchase your tickets online from the button above, or contact:
Al Gunwall – State Chair, 701-290-4435 or [email protected]
Marshall Johnson – Regional Director, 701-989-4488 or [email protected]
With more than 93% of land in North Dakota held in private ownership, it is essential that the Game and Fish work with private landowners to manage wildlife and wildlife habitat. PLOTS is a component of the Private Land Habitat and Access Improvement Fund program, funded by sales of hunting licenses, interest accrued from the department’s general fund balance, and sales of dedicated tags like the North Dakota statewide mule deer tag. The goal of the P.L.O.T.S. program is to provide public access for hunting on private land. All P.L.O.T.S. tracts are open to walk-in public hunting access during all legal hunting seasons, or as signed.
Thank you for helping us help the mule deer and provide sportsmen’s access!
Need Not be Present to Win • Must be 18 Years of Age to Purchase a Ticket
Not a Charitable Donation
100% of dollars earned goes to P.L.O.T.S. & Habitat Projects!
All shipping & FFL fees are the responsibility of the winner
State Gaming License No. G-0605
The Mule Deer Foundation is the only conservation group in North America dedicated to restoring, improving and protecting mule deer and black-tailed deer and their habitat, with a focus on science and program efficiency. MDF is a strong voice for hunters in access, wildlife management and conservation policy issues. MDF acknowledges regulated hunting as a viable management component and is committed to recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and conservation. Get involved in your state or become a member at or call 1-888-375-3337.