Joe Schmaedick – Regional Conservation Coordinator – Arizona & New Mexico

Joe Schmaedick – Regional Conservation Coordinator – Arizona & New Mexico

Growing up on a small farm in Southern Wisconsin, Joe spent most of his free time in the woods and creeks around the farm and this fostered a deep appreciation for natural resources. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Steven Point with a degree in Forest Management, Joe’s professional life has taken him from southern loblolly pine plantations to the Wisconsin Northwoods in positions with both private companies and state agencies. However, his personal pursuits have increasingly taken him west to the mountains and prairies in search of mule deer. The opportunity to meld his personal interests and professional goals led him to the Mule Deer Foundation.

Joes currently located in Central Arizona and excited to build relationships with land and wildlife managers in the region. He looks forward to working collaboratively on any projects that can benefit the land, water, forests, and mule deer within the area.

[email protected]


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