
USDA Signs Memo on Conserving Mule Deer Migration routes!

The Mule Deer Foundation applauds the signing of this Secretarial Memo to ensure that the full suite of USDA programs and resources are coordinated to sustain mule deer and other big game populations that migrate

“Archery Deer on the Great Plains”

The plains appear tame as a saddled horse and wild as a mustang in the same instant. Looking out over rolling hills and grazing deer everything seems possible and notching your tag appears a certainty. Hours later on your tenth blown stalk of the day, out of water, and running from a rattling sound under a rock, you are suddenly surrounded by the wild land Hugh Glass crawled across after being mauled by a grizzly 200 years ago.

“7 Mistakes to avoid on your first western Mule Deer Hunt.”

The top 7 mistakes to avoid on your first western Mule Deer Hunt. I made all these mistakes in my western hunting career and dealt with the consequences of those mistakes so you can avoid them yourself this fall.

Greg Sheehan announced as the President and CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation 

The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) is thrilled to announce Greg Sheehan as the organization’s new President and CEO. With over 20 years of leadership experience in habitat and wildlife conservation, coupled with notable successes in business, Sheehan is poised to lead MDF into a new era of growth and impact.


BY: JODI STEMLER DECEMBER 18, 2022 If I would have thought about where I would…

Texas Parks & Wildlife- Mulies of the Plains

Mulies of the Plains A large-scale research project is taking a closer look at mule…

Mule Deer Foundation puts money back on the ground near Van Horn

  The Mule Deer Foundation in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife, Borderlands Research Institute…