Shoot a Whitetail for goodness sake…
It’s Christmas week here on the Mule Deer Foundation and Blacktail Deer Foundation comms team so we thought we would have a little fun. When you waited years to finally draw that big buck mule deer tag in a stellar unit it can be a miserable time when you’re staring at an un-notched tag on the last day of your hunt. Don’t feel down, many of these tags have a caveat, or escape Claus -get it? Many of these big mule deer tags are valid for a mule deer buck or any whitetail. We know it’s not what you came for, but taking a whitetail out of mule deer habitat can be one of the best things you can do for the local mule deer population. To help you make the right decision we made up a little song.
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
The last day of your hunt, is coming...
You've just shed a tear..
The end is here
You've got to find just one little deer
The last day of your hunt, is coming...
You've checked the ridge, and the saddle
By the sage and by the lake
The'll be no roast on your Christmas table
So shoot a whitetail for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I'm telling you why.
The best thing you can do for mule deer is shoot a whitetail.
Sure your friends will judge you
And it may just make you frown
But there's no time left this season
So if it's brown it must go down...
Your Big Buck dreams are over
There no excuse to make,
Time to suck it up, and swallow your pride
So shoot a whitetail for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I'm telling you why.
The best thing you can do for mule deer is shoot a whitetail.
Merry Christmas!
As always, good luck this winter and remember to send any success pictures or stories from the field to [email protected] and you could be featured on our website or in our magazine. If this article or any of our articles have helped you become a better hunter or conservation steward, consider becoming a member of the Mule Deer Foundation or the Blacktail Deer Foundation or both for only $35 dollars each a year. Click here to join: or
Trevor J Hubbs @TrevorHubbs on Instagram
Trevor is the Communications Manager for the Mule deer Foundation. He grew up hunting and fishing the eastern edge of the Ozark Mountains for quail, ducks, and bucks. Trevor is also a contributor for “Fur, Fish, and Game”, “Lethal Minds Journal”, “Strung Magazine”, “Fly Fisherman”, and “Shooting Sportsman” among others.