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MDF PODCAST: Talking Mule Deer Ep. 8 Habitat Stewardship Projects with MDF’s Stan Baker & the Forest Service’s Kevin Zieman

MDF PODCAST: Talking Mule Deer Ep. 8 Habitat Stewardship Projects with MDF’s Stan Baker & the Forest Service’s Kevin Zieman

This episode of Talking Mule Deer focuses on habitat stewardship projects that the Mule Deer Foundation is involved in across the West. MDF’s Stan Baker, who helps coordinate these projects with federal land management agencies, discusses what stewardship agreements are, what makes them different and how MDF has been able to work with a variety of partners to implement habitat restoration efforts. In addition, Kevin Zieman, who works with the U.S. Forest Service in California describes how these agreements have benefited federal public lands, state, and privately-owned land, and, of course, mule deer, black-tailed deer, and other wildlife species. We also talk about some of the specifics of why active management is necessary to maintain healthy sagebrush and forest systems in the West.

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